Sunday, July 18, 2010


There are good movies and there are bad movies. There are great movies and there are some god-awful, horrendous piles of shit. Yet the line between good & great and bad & truly terrible is hard to explain. A movie can do everything right and still only be “good” or it can be flawed in some aspects and be “great.” Similarly, a “bad” movie can get everything wrong and the end result is just a bad, boring movie; horrible, but not horrendous.

But, like a great film, a Truly Terrible Movie needs to reach some sort of 'escape velocity' that enables it to enter a whole other realm of quality- from “good” or “bad” to “notable” or “notorious.” While some of these films are considered “so bad they're good,” this term does not describe many of these movies. What most of them are, rather, are “so bad they're curios.” There's something unique about these films that make them not just bad but noteworthy because of their badness.

Also like many great movies, these are the movies you want to share with other people. The films you get that special joy from telling someone “I saw the worst movie last have to see it.” Cinematic experiences that you want to commiserate about and make fun of with other people. Movies you will MST in the comfort of your home.

And that's what this blog is about: to spread knowledge of the truly terrible films and the enjoyment therein.

Yes, for starters, I'll probably begin writing about the obvious ones: Batman & Robin, Battlefield: Earth, The Spirit, The Room, and others. Once I get my sea-legs (and see if this is yet another of my miserable failures), I do plan to go deeper into the Netflix Queue.

I might even do some commentary on television shows that fall under this banner (please NBC pick up 100 Questions for a second season). And, of course, I'll be taking suggestions if anyone ever reads this Blog and cares enough to post a comment or e-mail.


So that's the introduction for this Blog. I plan to get my first review up later this week/early next week. I have not yet decided what the kick-off movie will be.

NOTE: I know that I'm not the first to use the term cinemasochism. I also know that I'm not the first to blog about crappy movies and television shows. In fact, the reason I chose was because both and were already taken, although those sites haven't been updated in years. Jerks.

NOTE 2: There are also films that lie on the border between boring bad and truly terrible. For example, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. TF: ROTF is too bad to be considered boring. It quite often crosses the border into offensively horrible (i.e. offensive to one's intelligence (the only true yardstick to measure offensiveness), not the “racially insensitivity” that naturally comes whenever you decide to include robots that make Birth of a Nation look progressive). But is it the type of film you want to tell others about so they can share the pain? Is it the type of film that you look forward to whenever it's on cable so can relive the misery again and again? Personally, I don't think so. If you disagree, feel free to comment.

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